Sunday, 13 August 2017

The New Zealand Election

This week in KidsedchatNZ, we are talking about the upcoming New Zealand election. 
New Zealand's next general election is taking place on 23 September. 

Have you been learning about what it is and how it all happens at your school? We are looking forward to hearing all about your learning.

Q1: What is an election? What type of election do we have in New Zealand?

Q:2 Why do we have elections in New Zealand?

Q3: What happens during an election?

Q4: What do you think would happen if we did not have elections and people did not vote?

Q5: Who is the Prime Minister of New Zealand? How did he become the prime minister?

Q6: Why do you think it is important that people vote in elections?

Q7: If you became Prime Minister what is the first thing you would change?

Q8: How do you think our government can make New Zealand ‘more awesome’ like the Kid President?

Q9: What do you think the Prime Minister’s main job is during the day?

Q10: Even though you can’t vote what are some ways we can make sure our voices get heard?

Looking forward to reading your opinions on Wednesday.

See you then!

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