Thursday, 28 November 2013

Dec 4 - Topic: Flipping our Chat

This week's chat on Wednesday 4 December will be a flipped chat. Flipped learning is when you watch material that you would usually watch during the class time BEFORE the lesson. There are some great benefits:
  • You can watch the content as many times as you like.
  • You can pause the material, and discuss it.
  • More time is available to for thinking and learning about the content during lesson time. 
 Watch this 60 second explanation:


We will be discussing a clip from the Soul Pancake channel on You Tube.

Kid President's 20 Things We Should Say More Often

Question 1:
Which is your favourite of the "20 things that we should say more often." Why?

Question 2:
Create your own phrase to add to this list. Why do you think we should say this more often?

Question 3:
Do you agree with Kid President when he says it's okay to disagree? Why?

Question 4: 
Robbie Novak, the Kid President has an illness called Osteogenesis imperfecta. He shows great resilience. 

What was has been the toughest thing that has happened to you? How did you bounce back?

Question 5.

Do you think the Kid President is awesome? Why?

Question 6. 

How many Kid President You Tube clips have you watched? Which one is your favourite and why?

Question 7.

What will you do to make the world more awesome? 
See you on Wednesday, Marvin's iKids and Miss Revell.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Tweet of the Week

This week the tweet of the week goes to @LadbrooksKiwi. Great idea Millie!! A big thank you to everyone who participated in Kidsedchatnz today. What an amazing bunch of tweeters we have. 

Monday, 25 November 2013

Topic for Week 7: ICT

This week the topic for kidsedchatnz is all about technology e.g. iPads, iPods, tablets, computers etc. Check out the questions below. 
  1. What technology do you use in your classroom and why?
  2. What is your favourite app or programme? 
  3. How do you use your favourite app or programme in your classroom? 
  4. Can technology improve your learning? Why or why not?
  5. What piece of technology, app or programme would you like to use in your classroom and why? 
  6. What technology do you think there will be in ten years time, that we don't have now? 
  7. If you could design an iPad app what would your app be called and how would it help children with their learning? 
  8. How can we make sensible choices when we are posting comments online? 
  9. What can other children learn from joining in with Kidsedchatnz?
We can't wait to hear all your answers. From Room 2 Morningside School.

Sunday, 24 November 2013

A visit from Follow

@LittleGiants7 were delighted to have had Follow visiting them.  They even took him on their trip to the Ohaaki Wetland.

They were having a lot of fun with him at our school, but Follow had to be on the move again, to find some new adventures at another school.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Topic for Week 6 (20th November)

We have lots of cultures at our school and we would like to know what cultures you have at your school and learn more about culture.

Here are our questions for Kidsedchatnz this week:
  1. What is your culture? What languages do you speak at home?
  2. What cultures or languages do you learn about at school? What do you do?
  3. What cultural groups activities do you do at your school? (Kapa Haka, Pasifika groups, Fia Fia celebration)
  4. What are your favourite traditions from your culture? Do you celebrate these at school? (festivals, holidays, clothes, food, music, dance etc)
  5. What cultural sports and games do you do at school?
  6. What culture would you want to be and why? 
  7. What language would you like to learn and why?
  8. Do you know any apps or websites that you use to help learn about culture?
See you there.

Jin, Kauri, Renitta, Pare, Elijah, Mehaka & Mr Walker.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Tweet of the Week

Who won Tweet of the Week at today's Kidsedchatnz birthday celebration? Watch the video to find out!

Happy Birthday Kidsedchatnz!

Thank you everyone who turned out today to celebrate Kidsedchatnz's first birthday party! It was great to see lots of classes celebrating and enjoying the occasion!

Overall it was an excellent session with 750 tweets recorded between 22 classes! That's not bad going considering all the party activities (cakes, balloons, poppers etc) going on!

Anyway thanks again everyone, we are very proud of what Kidsedchatnz has become and we look forward to lots of brilliant sessions in the future!

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Wednesday 13th November - Topic: Kidsedchatnz Birthday

This week's topic for Kidsedchatnz is based around Kidsedchatnz's one year Birthday. Check out the questions!

Q1. Today is Kidsedchatnz 1st birthday party, could you please leave Kidsedchatnz a birthday message?

Q2. How are you celebrating Kidsedchatnz's birthday? Can you tweet a picture of your party?

Q3. Today we are celebrating Kidsedchatnz's birthday, why do you think it is important to celebrate birthdays?

Q4. How old did you turn on your last birthday? What did you do to celebrate it? 

Q5. What was your favourite birthday present/party? Why was it special?

Q6. Kidsedchatnz has been going for 1 year, how long have you been taking part in it? Tell us about your experience?

Q7. Do you enjoy taking part in Kidsedchatnz? Why do you like it?

Q8. Is there anything you would like to change about Kidsedchatnz? What topics would you like to have in the future?

Tweet of the Week

This week's Tweet of the Week goes to....

Saturday, 2 November 2013

The Changing Face of Kidsedchatnz

Breaking news! Kidsedchatnz organisation structure has changed big time! It no longer has one organiser but now has 7! Wow, how cool is that!

In August this year Pascal Dresse, founder of Kidsedchatnz left for Australia and passed the Kidsedchatnz organisation on to me. 

I have thoroughly enjoyed taking over Kidsedchatnz and during that time I have tried to grow the concept. Some of the initiatives I have introduced have been:

- Making Kidsedchatnz weekly.
- Increasing Kidsedchatnz from 30 minutes to 1 hour.
- Creating a new Kidsedchatnz blog.
- Introducing Tweet of the Week for the best tweet during the Kidsedchatnz session.
- Introducing a Kidsedchatnz Mascot and badges.
- Changing Kidsedchatnz from a Hashtag twitter chat to List twitter chat.
- Creating how to join Kidsedchatnz videos
- Running a 'Create a Kidsedchatnz Logo competition' and choosing a Kidsedchatnz logo.
- Entering Kidsedchatnz in the Interface Awards which we are a finalist.

Wow, I have been busy! 

Anyway I thought it was time Kidsedchatnz had a change and I was preparing to step aside and let someone else take up the reigns.

After a lot of thought I came to the conclusion that I love Kidsedchatnz and still wanted to be involved but maybe just not running everything. 

Solution? Co-organisers! A time share based model! Kidsedchatnz has always been a team effort with lots of fantastic classes supporting it every week. This was the perfect solution!

The idea was for everyone to run the ship for 1 week at a time. For that week you would have to get your class to make the topic/questions, promote it, moderate, choose tweet of the week and put posts on the blog. Then the next week someone else would have a turn.

So I jumped on twitter and sent out a few Direct Messages to the core/regular Kidsedchatnz teachers who take part. 

After sending out the messages I left my phone at home and went into town to get lunch. While away I was thinking, "I wonder if anyone will be keen?" 

What did I find on my phone when I returned? 21 direct tweets, 15 direct messages and numerous e-mails! BOOM! Everyone was keen! The Super 7 co-organisers were born!

So who are the Super7? Well they are Pascal Dresse - @PascalDresse, Reid Walker - @ReidHns1, Marcelle Natusch - @MNatusch, Marnel van der Spuy - @1MvdS, Simone Gentil - @simone015, Juliet Revell - @Juliet_Revell and me, Stephen Baker - @PalmyTeacher

Wow, what a fantastic team! We all actually know each other reasonable well from our years of collaborating and connecting on twitter.

Our goal is to grow the concept and keep it going as a great learning vehicle for the kids! What do you think? Is it going to work?


Friday, 1 November 2013

Kidsedchatnz Mascot on the Move!

Over the last few weeks 'Follow' the Kidsedchatnz mascot has been visiting Henderson School in Auckland. He has had an awesome time exploring their school and has made lots of new friends!

Anyway his trip has come to an end and tomorrow he is heading off to the @LittleGiants7 at Broadlands School, near Taupo. 

Here are a few photos from his time in Auckland!

The Rise of Kidsedchatnz

Check out this article about Kidsedchatnz in today's Education Review Magazine. It was written by Pascal Dresse with a little help from some of the Kidsedchatnz regulars! 

Isn't it cool? It's great to see Kidsedchatnz getting some national exposure and recognition!