This week's chat on Wednesday 4 December will be a flipped chat. Flipped learning is when you watch material that you would usually watch during the class time BEFORE the lesson. There are some great benefits:
- You can watch the content as many times as you like.
- You can pause the material, and discuss it.
- More time is available to for thinking and learning about the content during lesson time.
We will be discussing a clip from the Soul Pancake channel on You Tube.
Question 1:
Which is your favourite of the "20 things that we should say more often." Why?
Question 2:
Create your own phrase to add to this list. Why do you think we should say this more often?
Question 3:
Do you agree with Kid President when he says it's okay to disagree? Why?
Question 4:
Robbie Novak, the Kid President has an illness called Osteogenesis imperfecta. He shows great resilience.
What was has been the toughest thing that has happened to you? How did you bounce back?
Question 5.
Do you think the Kid President is awesome? Why?
Question 6.
How many Kid President You Tube clips have you watched? Which one is your favourite and why?
Question 7.
What will you do to make the world more awesome?
See you on Wednesday, Marvin's iKids and Miss Revell.