Friday, 26 February 2016

W5 - Photo Chat

Hey everyone, this week's Kidsedchatnz is a Photo chat! All questions are based on a number of different photos! 

Sounds interesting? Check out the photos and questions below! (All photos come from the fabulous website Lend Me Your Literacy)


Q1. If the doors above were portals into the future and the past, which door would you visit first and why?  

Q2. Do you think people that lived a 100 years ago had better or worse lives than us?

Q3. Why do you think the two sides are so different?

Q4. If you could be more like any animal, what would it be and why?

Q5. How do you think the little boys are feeling? Would you exchange places with them?

Q6. What does a cow pack in a suitcase? Where do you think it is going?

Q7. If you were trapped inside the tree, how would you escape?

Q8. You return to find your home city in ruin, what do you do next?

Q9. If you could have any super power that could help people, what would it be?

Q10. You discover a stone giant at the bottom of the ocean. Do you remove it or leave it where it is? Why?

I'm looking forward to Wednesday's chat, I hope to see you there!

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Week 4 - Making Connections

 Week 4 - Making Connections

Each week we all come together to connect from across Aotearoa.  I am keen to make sure we all get to know each other a bit better as this would help make the connections more authentic. Wouldn't it be cool if some of the connections we make here each week be developed further!  

This year we have welcomed 30 new classrooms to the @kidsedchatnz whanau so along with all the other classrooms it makes kidsedchatnz an awesome place to connect beyond our classroom walls. Sharing and connecting with new buddies from around NZ. 

Remember for these connections to happen we need to take the first step and put ourselves out there! So this weeks chat is all about you and your classroom, and hopefully developing some connections!

#keycompetencies #relatingtoothers


  1. Introduce your classroom.  (sharing a photo or short video would be awesome).
  2. Where in New Zealand is your School? Describe the location - share a map if you can :)
  3. How many students, teachers, and classrooms does your school have?
  4. Share something about your classroom that makes it special. (Photo or video opportunity)
  5. Share something about your School that makes it special. (Photo or video opportunity)
  6. What is your class learning about this term?  (Connect with other classrooms with the same topic)
  7. Share your School's values, your classroom rules/treaty, the school motto, or whakatauki.
  8. Do you have some learning that you are proud of this term?  Take a photo and tweet it!
  9. What classrooms have you connected with today?  Did you connect with  a classroom in a different part of NZ?

Friday, 12 February 2016

Wk 3 - Digital Citizenship

The questions for Wednesday's topic are all based around Digital Citizenship and staying safe online. 

You can have a look at this video, before taking part in this week's chat.

 Digital Safety Video

  1. How can you be safe on the internet? 
  2. How can you keep your computer safe? 
  3. Who teaches you about staying safe online? 
  4. What are the best ways for learning about online safety?
  5. What is a digital footprint and why are they important?
  6. What are some important things to consider when taking part in KidsedchatNZ?
  7. Should schools be using social media in the classroom and why?
  8. How do we know which websites and people to trust on-line?
  9. What should you do if your personal information is hacked?
  10. Does anyone know any website/resources or Apps to share about Cyber safety?

Monday, 8 February 2016


Kidsedchatnz has a FACEBOOK page. Just click here to check it out!

Question Time

Are you taking part in Kidsedchatnz this year? Here's a poster you can share with your students before they tweet!