Sunday 26 November 2017

Digital Citizenship & The Hour of Code

The Hour of Code is a global movement reaching tens of millions of students in over 180 countries. It takes place during Computer Science Education Week December 4-10
Anyone, anywhere can organise an Hour of Code event. No experience needed. 

There are currently 
 and 325 of these are in New Zealand.

Sign your school up! Take a look and see what's involved.

When we are online, we have to be Cyber Smart.  Are you a good digital citizen?


With the advent of social media, mobile devices in the classroom and a range of e-learning tools in the classroom it is more important than ever that students are aware of the long term effects of leaving their digital footprint and learn to become good cyber citizens. 
The concept of digital citizenship needs to be embedded in all aspects of work in schools with e-learning tools.
A good way to start this is to build awareness of what it means to be a good citizen in our community -  local, national and global. 
So what is a good citizen? 


Q1.  What do you use the internet for most? What's the first site that you go? 

Q2.  How can we encourage more children to learn to code? Will you get involved in the #hourofcode?

Q3.  Who teaches you about staying safe online? 

Q4.  What are the best ways for learning about online safety?

Q5.  What is a digital footprint and why are they important? Watch this video to help with your answer. 
Q6.  What are some important things to consider when taking part in KidsedchatNZ?

Q7.  Should schools be using social media in the classroom and why?

Q8.  How do we know which websites and people to trust on-line?

Q9.  Does anyone know any website/resources or Apps to share about Cyber safety?

See you on Wednesday at 2pm

Saturday 18 November 2017

My learning and how I connect with it...

Nau mai, Haere mai,

Term 4 is almost over, we've had a whole year of hard work and plenty of great fun with Kidsedchatnz. Our topics have included; Coding, Health & Nutrition , Science,  and family. We have learnt some amazing things from all of the children taking part and it is always proving to me how important it is to be a learner.  In class, my children are teaching me how to create stop animations using plasticine and I'm always learning ways to be a better teacher or parent, but all of this requires hard work.

This week WE have three challenges for you before taking part in Kidsedchatnz:
1 - Find or make up a great quote about learning, make it into a poster or meme and share it with us on Wednesday.
2 - Talk to another child and identify what they want to be learning in 10 years? Why?
3 - Ask an adult about their learning, what are they learning and how does this make them feel.


Your questions for this week:
  1. What have you learnt about  so far in term 4? Has it been easy or difficult to learn? Why?
  2. What is something (eg a sport, hobbies, cultural etc) that you have learnt outside of school? Why do you do take part in these activities?
  3. What words would you use to describe term 4 for you and your class?
  4. What praise has your teacher given you this term?
  5. What has been one challenge that you have faced in term 4? How have you beaten this challenge?
  6. What advice do your teachers, friends and families give you about learning? What does it mean? Share any posters or memes you have made.
  7. What do you think you will be doing in 10 years and what will you be learning?
  8. What does it mean to be a life long learner and why is this important?
Hei kōnā mai.
See you on Wednesday at 2pm

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Classrooms of the future

Classrooms of the future

Righto, get those imaginations going! We want you to think about your current classroom and what a classroom could look like in the future.

This weeks questions:

1.Give the @kidsedchatnz viewers a short tour of your room? Photos or video.

    2.What about your classroom do you really like?

      3.What are the things that you find difficult with your classroom?

        4.What would you do in your classroom to improve it?

          5.What is your favourite piece of furniture in your classroom? Why?

            6.If you have no budget what one thing would you buy for your classroom that would help your learning? Why?

              7.What would your dream classroom look like? Read some of the other tweets and see what people add. Use the reply feature on twitter to comment on people’s ideas.

                8.What would the technology look like that you would use in your dream classroom?

                  9.What would a classroom look like in ten years time?

                  Monday 6 November 2017

                  Making Digital Connections

                   Week 4 - Making Connections

                  Each week we all come together to connect from across Aotearoa.  I am keen to make sure we all get to know each other a bit better as this would help make the connections more authentic. Wouldn't it be cool if some of the connections we make here each week be developed further!  

                  This year we have welcomed lots of new classrooms to the @kidsedchatnz whanau so along with all the other classrooms it makes kidsedchatnz an awesome place to connect beyond our classroom walls. Sharing and connecting with new buddies from around NZ. 

                  Remember for these connections to happen we need to take the first step and put ourselves out there! So this weeks chat is all about you and your classroom, and hopefully developing some connections!

                  #keycompetencies #relatingtoothers


                  1. Introduce your classroom.  (sharing a photo or short video would be awesome).
                  2. Where in New Zealand is your School? Describe the location - share a map if you can :)
                  3. How many students, teachers, and classrooms does your school have?
                  4. Share something about your classroom that makes it special. (Photo or video opportunity)
                  5. Share something about your School that makes it special. (Photo or video opportunity)
                  6. What is your class learning about this term?  (Connect with other classrooms with the same topic)
                  7. Share your School's values, your classroom rules/treaty, the school motto, or whakatauki.
                  8. Do you have some learning that you are proud of this term?  Take a photo and tweet it!
                  9. What classrooms have you connected with today?  Did you connect with  a classroom in a different part of NZ?