Monday, 28 August 2017

Being part of a team

This week we are looking at being part of a team.

So often in life we have to work with other people, it could be in your classroom, the playground, a sports field. We are wanting to find out what it really means to be a 'team-player' or someone who works well in a team situation.

We only have to look at the sporting victories over the weekend to see how important being a team player is;

Black Ferns - World Campions
All Blacks - Last minute victory over Australia
K4 Crew (Bronze) - Kayaking World Championship

Here are the questions!

Q1. How often do you work in a team or group in your class? What team or group activities do you do? 

Q2. Do you enjoy working in a team with others? Explain why or why not?

Q3. What are the key elements of teamwork? Why are they important?

Q4. In what ways are you a team player? What do you bring to a team?

Q5. Do you think it's important to be able to work with others? What are the benefits?

Q6. What can you do when someone is not pulling their weight in a team? What could you say?

Q7. In one of the videos is the ex-NBA Champions San Antonio Spurs. Who is your favourite team? Why do you like them?

Q8. When you get older employers are looking for people who can work in a team. What other skills are they looking for?

Q9. TEAM - Together Everyone Achieves More. What do you think this means?

Can't wait to see everyone on Wednesday - Yahoo

Sunday, 20 August 2017

Ka mau te wehi! Kids are Awesome

This week's KidsedchatNZ was inspired by a cool American Teacher called Angela Maiers.

Angela shares a great message, and it is important for all of us. 

The message is  -


KidsedchatNZ want you to think about how you are awesome. We want to know how you are a genius. Everyone has their own unique talents and abilities. What are yours? We would love to hear all about them.

Here are some kids sharing their awesome abilities. These kids are great on the sports field, and the dance floor. Your genius might be in music, or writing, or maths. 

You might be a great listener or friend, or both!

Think about how you contribute to make the world a better place.

Have a read of the YOU MATTER manifesto. A manifesto is a public announcement or declaration. There are some important points to think about there. You might like to make a book about your genius, and share it with us.

Questions for this week.

Q1. Why are you awesome? What is your Genius?

Q2. What would you like to change in the world around you?

Q3. How do you think that you could do this?

Remember “We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love”
– Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Q4. What is the best thing that a Teacher has ever said to you?

Q5. Think of a time when you have achieved a goal. Tell us what this felt like.

Q6. Do you have some learning that you are really proud of? Take a picture and tweet it!

Q7. Name five people that you would put on a "Dream Team" to encourage and inspire you. Are they famous people, successful people, members of your family?

Q8. Why are these people amazing to you?

Q9. What makes you feel proud?

Kia ora tamariki. Kau mau te wehi! We are so looking forward to this week's chat.

Juliet Revell

Sunday, 13 August 2017

The New Zealand Election

This week in KidsedchatNZ, we are talking about the upcoming New Zealand election. 
New Zealand's next general election is taking place on 23 September. 

Have you been learning about what it is and how it all happens at your school? We are looking forward to hearing all about your learning.

Q1: What is an election? What type of election do we have in New Zealand?

Q:2 Why do we have elections in New Zealand?

Q3: What happens during an election?

Q4: What do you think would happen if we did not have elections and people did not vote?

Q5: Who is the Prime Minister of New Zealand? How did he become the prime minister?

Q6: Why do you think it is important that people vote in elections?

Q7: If you became Prime Minister what is the first thing you would change?

Q8: How do you think our government can make New Zealand ‘more awesome’ like the Kid President?

Q9: What do you think the Prime Minister’s main job is during the day?

Q10: Even though you can’t vote what are some ways we can make sure our voices get heard?

Looking forward to reading your opinions on Wednesday.

See you then!

Sunday, 6 August 2017

Native New Zealand Animals

This week we are looking at Persuasive Writing and sharing an opinion
Image from
The Māui dolphin
One of the world's smallest and rarest dolphins. An endemic sub-species closely related to the Hector's dolphin, it is now found only in the shallow coastal waters off the west coast of the North Island. In 2012, it was estimated that between 48 and 69 mature animals remained.

Opinion, Facts and Thoughts

  1. What are some native animals to New Zealand that are in threat of extinction?
  2. How do we protect and look after our native animals in NZ?
  3. Where are you most likely to see New Zealand’s native animals?
  4. Many people believe that to save animals from extinction they should be bred in zoos? Do you agree/disagree with this statement and give one reason why.
  5. When zoo bred animals are released back into the wild there can be serious problems. What might some of these problems be?
  6. Zoos are …...a life sentence for animals. What do you think this means?
  7. Why do you think animals in the wild die before they reach maturity?
  8. ...the only way to save our endangered animals is to study and protect their habitat. Why?
  9. Should we have zoos or wildlife parks? Why?
  10. If you could chose one animal to study what would it be and why?

See you all on Wednesday at 2pm.