Sunday, 19 March 2017

Week 8 - Heroes


This week we are excited as we have had the brilliant children from @Temataroom39 write the questions for this weeks chat.
Well done, William Bush, Harry Cassidy, Will Leary, Cam White, Megan Kay, Emily Payne, Isabel Stockley, Izzy Eivers, Piper Burroughs, Libby Fussell.  Thanks also to their teachers Sam Chatfield @sammychatfield  and Danielle Burroughs @DBurroughs06 for supporting them to generate this weeks questions.

I am really looking forward to this chat.  What an awesome topic!!

Week 8 Questions:

Q1: Does a hero need to wear a cape and their underpants on the outside?Why/Why not?
Q2: When we say the word hero why do we automatically think of super heroes instead of community heroes?
Q3: What qualities do you think a hero has?
Q4: Are leaders and heroes the same thing? Why?
Q5: Think of a hero and tell us why they are a hero to you?
Q6: Name a hero in your community and explain why they are a hero?
Q7: Is being rewarded the reason people are heroes?
Q8: Is it Ok for Heroes to make mistakes? Why/Why not?
Q9: Write an example of how you could be a hero?

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