Monday, 16 June 2014

Week 7 - Elections, change & kids issues

In November this year New Zealand will have an election to decide on who should run our country. Adults over the age of 18 get to have their say but children don't. But us teachers know that children have great ideas everyday.

In the United States of America, Robbie Novak (Kid President) is trying to get children to be positive, be awesome and to make changes in the world. Watch this video to get some ideas on how we can change the world.

  1. Does your school have a student council? How does your student council work and what do they do for your school?
  2. What type of things would you want to change at your school if you were on the student council?
  3. Does your school take part in helping any fundraisers or charities? What are the fundraisers or charities and how does your school help them?
  4. How does helping other people with fundraising help you with your learning at school?
  5. What problems do you think New Zealand children are having? Why are they having these problems?
  6. How could we help the children who are having these problems?
  7. What skills/qualities does a person need to have for you to want to vote for them? Do you have these skills?
  8. What is more important - helping yourself or helping others?
  9. How does the government of New Zealand affect you? 
  10. If you had to choose between two important things, how would you decide what to choose?
I look forward to seeing you there on Thursday.

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