Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Let's Talk About Term 3

What has stuck with you this term?

Term 3 2017 is nearly over and in our last KidsedchatNZ for the term we like to reflect. 

Put your thinking caps on to REFLECT and talk about some of the things that happened for you during this term.


1. What was your favourite part of this term. 

How did this make you feel and why? 

2. What was the most interesting thing that you have learned in Term 3?

3.What were some of the challenges for you? Tell us why.

4. Do you have any artwork or blog posts that you would like to share with us?

5.If you could describe this term in one word, what would that word be?

6.What would you like to do better in Term 4?

7. What are you planning to do for the holidays?

8.What would you like to learn about in Term 4?

See you on Wednesday at 2pm team!

Sunday, 10 September 2017

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2017

Nau Mai
Every year since 1975 New Zealand has marked Māori Language Week. This is a time for all New Zealanders to celebrate te reo Māori (the Māori language) and to use more Māori phrases in everyday life. In 2017 Māori Language Week runs from 11-17 September, the theme is 'Kia ora te reo' – which celebrates New Zealand’s indigenous greeting and the intent of te reo Māori revitalisation efforts between the Crown and Māori.

  1. How do you celebrate Maori Language Week in your class/school?
  2. Why is this an important week to New Zealand?
  3. How does New Zealand celebrate Maori Language Week?
  4. Can you name any local places of significance that have a Maori name?Why are they significant?
  5. What is your favourite Maori phrase or a saying you have heard this week?
  6. What other languages are a part of your school and are these celebrated?
  7. What are the three official languages of New Zealand?
  8. If New Zealand was to officially celebrate another language what language do you think that should be? Why?
  9. Do you know of other countries that celebrate a second language in their country? What country and how do they celebrate?

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday at 2pm for our chat. 

Sunday, 3 September 2017


Kia ora koutou

  • 75% of the earth is covered with water but only 3% of it can be used for drinking - (it is 'fresh' water).
  • Most of this fresh water is underground; the rest is in lakes and rivers. We are learning all about looking after our water and would love some more ideas about how to keep our waterways clean and reduce our water usage at home and school.
  • To make sure we know where all this water comes from, watch the video on the water cycle.
Lake Hawea
In Hawea we have lots of lakes and rivers in our area. There is a big concern that the lakes are being contaminated by pollution and algae build up. What can you find out about your local waterways this week? Time to get investigating!


Q1: Where does water come from? Can you explain the water cycle?

Q2: Where do you think most of the water in your area comes from? What makes you think this?

Q3: Why is having good water quality important to you and your community?

Q4:What things can make water quality poor in a river or lake?

Q5: How is the water quality in your area? Can you swim in local lakes or rivers? Has this changed over time?

Q6: What are some ways you can conserve water at home or at school? How could you encourage others to do the same?

Q7: Near Hawea we have lots of beautiful rivers and lakes. We are looking for some ideas to help keep our waterways clean and reduce our water use? Can you help us by adding some ideas to this Padlet?

Q8: Can you design an invention to save water at school?
Q9: Whose job is it to protect  our waterways? How do you think they monitor them?

We look forward to seeing you all Wednesday at 2pm.

Nga mihi nui