Sounds interesting? Check out the photos and questions below! (All photos come from the fabulous website Lend Me Your Literacy)
Q1. If the doors above were portals into the future and the past, which door would you visit first and why?
Q2. Do you think people that lived a 100 years ago had better or worse lives than us?
Q3. Why do you think the two sides are so different?
Q4. If you could be more like any animal, what would it be and why?
Q5. How do you think the little boys are feeling? Would you exchange places with them?
Q6. What does a cow pack in a suitcase? Where do you think it is going?
Q7. If you were trapped inside the tree, how would you escape?
Q8. You return to find your home city in ruin, what do you do next?
Q9. If you could have any super power that could help people, what would it be?
Q10. You discover a stone giant at the bottom of the ocean. Do you remove it or leave it where it is? Why?
I'm looking forward to Wednesday's chat, I hope to see you there!