Thursday, 28 August 2014

Tweet of the week - Gaming's a winner!

Congratulations to everyone who took part in our week 7 chat session - what a massive effort by lots of classes. Here's the final result:
By the end of the session we had recorded over 1,150 tweets in an hour. That's the most we've ever had and shows how popular the topic and @Kidsedchatnz is becoming. Lots of the regular classes were there today and a couple of new classes also, it was great to have you all there.

I (@reidhns1) had a hard time choosing favourites today, there were so many great tweets being sent. Minecraft was the clear favourite amongst so many games that were being discussed and some wonderful photos were tweeted showing things that students had built.

I loved so many tweets but these two were some of my favourites:

Tweet of the week went to someone who really summed up the value of gaming in the classroom: 

Well done Hannah and everyone else who took part today, it was a pleasure being the moderator today and I can't wait to take part in Kidsedchatnz next week.

Friday, 22 August 2014

Week 6 - Games in the classroom

Minecraft is a game many teachers are already using in the classroom. This week we want to discuss ALL of the games you play or might like to play in class and how these help your learning. It's not just the electronic games though, don't forget about all those board games and card games that help your learning.

But first let's play some games! Before you take part in Kidsedchatnz this week try to do at least one of the following:

  • Spend some time in class playing any game (online or traditional eg, Minecraft, Scrabble, Monopoly, Once Upon A Time).
  • Build your own game and play it.
  • Reinvent a game.
  • Fill in the Google Doc for types of games you play in the classroom?
  • Art of gaming - produce a piece of art that celebrates gaming.
When you do a task make sure you take some photos or videos to share with other classes during the chat.

Questions for this week:

Q1. What are your favourite games and why?

Q2. How does gaming help with your learning?

Q3. What qualities/values/skills have you learnt from gaming?

Q4. How many learning games are being used in your classroom and which of these are the best to play?

Q5. What makes a game fun, interesting and educational?

Q6. If you could reinvent a game, what would you choose to add or change and why?

Q7. Does your class use gaming to collaborate or connect with others children from your school or elsewhere?

Q8. Do you read books or watch videos about gaming, how does this make you a better gamer or learner?

Q9. If your teacher could introduce 1 game into the classroom what should it be and how would it be used for learning?

@Reidhns1 will be your moderator using the @kidsedchatnz handle, can't wait to see you all next Thursday, but until then Happy Gaming!

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Kids are Awesome! Kau Mau Te Wehi. - Tweet of the week

Hi everyone

Thanks for all your fantastic tweets today. It was a record breaking chat with over 1,100 tweets recorded.

And the tweet of the week goes to...

Congratulations, Callum!

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Ka Mau te Wehi! Kids are Awesome.

Image attribution:
This week's KidsedchatNZ was inspired by a cool American Teacher called Angela Maiers.

Angela shares a great message, and it is important for all of us. 

The message is  -


KidsedchatNZ want you to think about how you are awesome. We want to know how you are a genius. Everyone has their own unique talents and abilities. What are yours? We would love to hear all about them.

Here are some kids sharing their awesome abilities. These kids are great on the sports field, and the dance floor. Your genius might be in music, or writing, or maths. 

You might be a great listener or friend, or both!

Think about how you contribute to make the world a better place.

Have a read of the YOU MATTER manifesto. A manifesto is a public announcement or declaration. There are some important points to think about there. You might like to make a book about your genius, and share it with us. Here are some that @MahoraRm6 have made.

Questions for this week.

Q1. Why are you awesome? What is your Genius?

Q2. What would you like to change in the world around you?

Q3. How do you think that you could do this?

Remember “We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love”
– Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Q4. What is the best thing that a Teacher has ever said to you?

Q5. Think of a time when you have achieved a goal. Tell us what this felt like.

Q6. Do you have some learning that you are really proud of? Take a picture and tweet it!

Q7. Name five people that you would put on a "Dream Team" to encourage and inspire you. Are they famous people, successful people, members of your family?

Q8. Why are these people amazing to you?

Q9. What makes you feel proud?

Kia ora tamariki. Kau mau te wehi! We are so looking forward to this week's chat.

Juliet Revell

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Tweet of the Week!

Thanks everyone for another great Kidsedchatnz today! It was fantastic to see so many classes take up the NZ Maths Week challenges!

Anyway, who won Tweet of the Week? It goes to Thea from Room 10! She had so many fantastic tweets and definitely deserves it!

Friday, 8 August 2014

W4 - Maths

This week is New Zealand Maths Week so I thought it would be appropriate for Kidsedchatnz to be about Maths!

Below is a whole lot of different Maths tasks that you can get your class to complete during the week. You don't have to complete them all, just pick whichever ones that suit your kids level.

Then on Thursday we are going to discuss the tasks and Maths in general. Here are the challenges!


- Use chalk to write a variety of Maths questions on the concrete.

- Use Google Earth (the ruler tool) to find the perimeter of your school.

- Throw a pack of card out onto the concrete and them put them into order as fast as you can. They need to be placed in suits from 2 to Ace.

- Change the left picture into the right by moving only 3 counters!

- Create a Maths Week shape challenge! This can be for your class or even whole school. Details found here: Shape Challenge

- Design your own money!

- Create a basic facts cube! You will need to get your teacher to print off a cube net for you.

- Make 3D shapes using ice-block sticks/tooth picks and plasticine.

- Make a Maths trail!

- Use the app ScratchJr and make a short story or conversation. 


Q1. Tweet a picture or video of some of your challenges this week.

Q2. Leave a reply on someone's tweet. Remember to comment on their challenge.

Q3. Reflect on your challenges. How do you think you did? What was hard? Easy? Enjoyable? 

Q4. Write your own word problem for other people to answer.

Q5. Try and answer someone's word problem. Make sure you reply back saying whether they are right or wrong.

Q6. What have you been learning about in Maths? Tell/Explain a Maths strategy that you have learnt this year?

Q7. What are some of your favourite activities that you have done in Maths this year?

Q8. Why is it important to learn about Maths?

Q9. What are some of your favourite Maths Apps that you use in class? Why do you like them?

Q10. Write a short story or poem using these 4 words: Reflection, Triangle, Half and Money

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Tweet of the Week

Thank you everyone for a wonderful Kidsedchatnz today! I was so impressed with all your creations and fantastic tweets! 

So who won Tweet of the Week.....


Saturday, 2 August 2014

W3 - Creativity

This week's topic for Kidsedchatnz is Creativity! 

This is how it is going to work: 

Below is a whole lot of different creative tasks that you can get your class to complete during the week. You don't have to complete them all, just pick whichever ones that suit your kids.

Then on Thursday we are going to discuss the tasks and creativity in general. Sound like fun? You bet!


- Turn as many of the blank circle as possible into recognisable objects in 15 minutes.
- How many uses can you think of for a chair in 5 minutes? 

- Print these 2 images and then complete the images. What can you come up with?
- Use these 4 elements and write a short story with them. A lost key, a secret cave, a party invitation and identical twins.


- Create an original structure using ice-block sticks. You could use glue or plasticine to join your sticks.

- Create a device to stop an egg breaking when dropped from 2 metres. You only have newspaper and selletape to work with.

- Make a 1 minute movie or Puppet Pal about a topic of your choice? Create and record your own song or rap? Make a music video? Come up with your own creative task!

Finally please watch this video before you complete any of the tasks. It will make sense after you watch it.


Q1. Please tweet a picture or answer to some of your creative challenges from this week.

Q2. Pick someone's Tweet and leave a reply. Make sure you comment on their creative task and design.

Q3. Reflect on your creative tasks, how do you think you did?

Q4. What was the best part about the challenges? What did you enjoy? Why?

Q5. What was the hardest part about the challenge? Where can you improve?

Q6. Do you think creativity is important? Should it be taught in school? Why?

Q7. What do you think are the key elements to building creativity?

Q8. Can you share with us something creative you have done at school this year?

Q9. Is there any creative tasks you would like to try?

Q10. Write a poem or story using these 3 things: A tooth, a broken watch and a good luck charm.