Monday, 8 December 2014

2014 Reflection - What Has Stuck With You This Year?

What has stuck with you this year?

Welcome to the last KidsedchatNZ for the year.

These questions were written by Grace and Maddison of @MahoraRm15 and Mathias and Bianca of Room 10. Mathias and Bianca worked on these questions in their lunchtime. 

Ka mau te wehi team, you are awesome!


Q1: What was your favourite subject this year? Why?

Q2: What things do you like about your teacher? Why?

Q3:What was your favourite inquiry topic this year? Why did you choose it?

Q4: What was the hardest challenge you faced this year? Why?

Q5: What were your proudest moments as a learner this year?

Q6: Have you done anything this year that you want to share?

Q7: What are you planning to do in the school holidays?

Q8: What do you want to improve in 2015?

Six Team @MahoraRm6
Thanks for chatting with us this year! 
We hope you have a safe and happy holiday with your whānau and friends.

Miss Revell and Six Team

NB: The super cool reflection posters are from Margdteachingposters - click the link to find them.

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Tweet of the Week

Thank you everyone who took part in today's Kidsedchatnz! You rock! And would you believe Kid President himself joined in! How cool was that! Definitely a Kidsedchatnz highlight for me!

So who won Tweet of the Week? Well here are the tweets that stood out for me!

And Tweet of the Week goes to.....

Thanks everyone, see you next week for the final Kidsedchatnz of the year!

Monday, 1 December 2014

W8 - 20 Things We Should Say More Often!

This week's topic is based on Kid President's Video '20 things we should say more often'. We did this topic last year and I really enjoyed it so I thought we would do it again. I have added in a few new questions.

Before taking part please watch the video below!


Q1. Which is your favourite of the "20 things we should say more often." Why?

Q2. Create your own phrase to add to this list. Why do you think we should say this more often?

Q3. Do you agree with Kid President when he says it's okay to disagree, but it's not Ok to be mean? Why?

Q4. Kid President's number 1 thing to say was 'Something nice'. Can you tweet something nice to someone?

Q5. Kid President believes in using good manners (Please, Thank you and Excuse me). Do you think manners are important? Why?

Q6. Can you think of something that someone you know says a lot? (Teacher, parent, friend) What is it?

Do you think the Kid President is awesome? Why?

How many Kid President You Tube clips have you watched? Which one is your favourite and why?

What will you do to make the world more awesome? 

Q10. Make a sentence, story or poem using the following words: Awesome, Thank you and Corn Dog! Remember to be creative!

I look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday! Stephen (@PalmyTeacher)

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Tweet of the Week!

Happy birthday Kidsedchatnz! Thank you everyone who turned up today to mark this special day! It was awesome to see everyone celebrating and having fun!

Here's a few videos and fun photos from the day!

So who won Tweet of the Week? Well here are the tweets that stood out for me today!


Tuesday, 25 November 2014

W7 - Kidsedchatnz 2nd Birthday!

Wow! Kidsedchatnz is turning two! Kidsedchatnz started in 2012 and two years later it's still going strong! A big thanks must go out to the organisers (Stephen, Reid, Juliet, Pascal, Marnel, Simone and Marcelle) and all the fabulous classes who have joined us throughout the two years. Without you guys Kidsedchatnz would be nothing!

Anyway this week we thought we would have a special Kidsedchatnz birthday party to celebrate! The topic is going to be based around.......CELEBRATIONS! Hopefully we can have a huge turn out to celebrate this special birthday!


1) Dress up your classroom with birthday decorations!

2) Make a special Kidsedchatnz birthday cake.

The classes with the best classroom decorations and birthday cake will have the Kidsedchatnz Mascot Follow sent to them as a reward! 


Q1. Today is Kidsedchatnz 2nd birthday party, could you please leave Kidsedchatnz a birthday message?

Q2. How are you celebrating Kidsedchatnz's birthday? Can you tweet a picture of your decorations/cake/party?

Q3. Today we are celebrating Kidsedchatnz's birthday, why do you think it is important to celebrate birthdays?

Q4. How old did you turn on your last birthday? What did you do to celebrate it? 

Q5. What was your favourite birthday present/party? Why was it special?

Q6. Then are many different celebrations around the world. Can you name some things that you celebrate and what do you do?

Q7. Kidsedchatnz has been going for 2 years, how long have you been taking part in it? Tell us about your experience?

Q8. Do you enjoy taking part in Kidsedchatnz? Why do you like it?

Q9. Make up a sentence, story or poem using the following 3 words: Presents, Excitement and Laughter.

I can't wait for Thursday, see you then! Stephen

Monday, 17 November 2014

Caine's Arcade - Are you an Entrepreneur?

We've been inspired by the story of Caine Monroy. You may have heard of him or seen the You Tube clip about his arcade. This week, we'd like you and your class to watch it. There is a lot to discuss!

Take it look at it here:

Caine's Arcade is a short documentary film by Nirvan Mullick released in April 2012 that featured an eponymous arcade created by then 9-year-old Caine Monroy out of cardboard boxes and everyday objects. The boy ran his arcade from his father's auto parts store in Los Angeles during mid-2011. Mullick was inspired to make the documentary after unexpectedly coming across the arcade while getting a part for his car, discovering the level of commitment, work, and thought Caine had put into the arcade, and becoming Caine's first customer. In the course of filming the documentary, Mullick arranged for a flash mob from social media sites to come by the arcade, increasing the awareness of the arcade. 
- Text from Wikipedia


Lets get creating team, it would be great to see KidsedchatNZ have its own Cardboard Challenge. Tweet a photo of your creation(s) or describe what you want to make!

For more ideas and inspiration, check out Fantastic 4 @ Nexus' cardboard cars that they made for their assembly.
Image attribution: Stephanie Thomson - Flickr Year 4 Nexus

Fantastic 4 @ Nexus - Cardboard Maker Assembly


1. Tell us about the clip. What interested you the most about Caine?

2. If you could create ANYTHING, what would it be? Tell us why.

3. Have you built anything before? What was it? What materials did you use?
(Include your photos here of your cardboard challenge)

4. If you started your own business, what would it be?

5. Why do you think Caine kept his arcade going, even though he had no customers?

6. An entrepreneur is someone who takes a risk and starts their own business. What do you think are the pros and cons of being an entrepreneur?

7. How can we encourage more children to be entrepreneurs?

8. Why do you think Caine was successful?

9. If your school had a "Day of Play" what would you choose to do?

10. Write a sentence, poem or story using the following 3 words: Creative, Money and Risk

See you on Thursday!

Juliet Revell

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Tweet of the Week!

Thanks everyone for a fantastic Kidsedchatnz today! MINECRAFT was such an engaging topic! Check out these amazing creations that you shared today!

So who won Tweet of the Week? Well here's the tweets that stood out for me!

And Tweet of the Week goes to.....